Good News Can Lift Spirits

It’s easy to fall into grooves of worry at the moment. We simply don’t know what comes next when it comes to the pandemic that has shut the country down. Constantly watching the news can make you anxious and scared. That’s why we have suggested only reading or watching the news twice a day. The 24-hour news networks are taking a toll on the country’s mental health. You should be armed with the knowledge of what is going on and how best to protect yourself. But, the constant bombardment can leave you feeling worse than you did before.
The Neuliven Health team, along with millions of other Americans, have been enjoying “Some Good New with John Krasinski.” The country got to know him a decade ago as the likable character Jim on “The Office.” Now, Mr. Krasinski has made it his mission to bring together heart-warming stories from around the internet. He interviews ordinary people who are doing their best, including a young girl whose neighbors lined her street to cheer for her when she was released from the hospital after being treated for cancer. He also speaks to people who have missed out on doing exciting things. He used video conferencing to introduce a little girl who was sad she couldn’t see “Hamilton” to the creator of the show, Lin-Manuel Miranda, and the original Broadway cast. The cast sang her one of the songs from the play. He also helped healthcare workers enjoy baseball and spoke to AT&T, who are now paying for the cell phone bills of all healthcare workers for the next three months.
It’s easy to feel disconnected and disheartened while watching the news or reading about death tolls. But there is still hope. Seeing the kindness in the world reminds us that everyone is making the best of a bad circumstance. Viral videos are helping to lift spirits. Our team enjoyed a video from Spain of neighbors on different balconies playing “My Heart Will Go On.” A man on the piano started playing it on a keyboard, his neighbor joined him on the saxophone and all the neighbors cheered at the end. Parents in Scotland couldn’t explain to their young sons why they couldn’t go to a restaurant. So, the parents set one up in their home, going so far as to ask the little boys if they had a reservation and handing them printed menus.
Websites like and are dedicated to nothing but heartwarming stories. They have stories about Girl Scouts making care packages for healthcare workers. They put a spotlight on Mailman Kyle, a USPS worker who put a note, in almost 400 mailboxes, offering to get people on his route essential items. They are covering all sorts of stories about regular people doing amazing things. And, they also share fun silly things, like a video of a rhinoceros who hops around when he is praised in a baby voice.
The BBC has dedicated a special section of its site to uplifting stories, like people growing massive pumpkins and neighbors taking to their street to sing “Happy Birthday” to a man turning 100 inside his home. A woman who meant to run a half marathon dressed up as Mozart and ran it in her yard which is only a 40-meter (43.7 yards) area. She raised hundreds of pounds for the British Lung Foundation.
It might seem silly to focus on feel-good news stories when a pandemic is around us. But, stress takes a toll on your spirit and your body. It’s easy to get sucked into the news and get stuck on purely bad news. We all deserve a break from worries about our community and ourselves. So, we encourage you to take some time to just read nice things and to send them along to your family and friends. Fun, happy news can go a long way toward raising spirits. 

Banner Image: YouTube, Some Good News

April 27, 2020

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