Cutting Salt May Not Help Your Heart

We have long been told that cutting salt from our diets is one of the best ways to fight heart disease. However, that may not be wholly correct. Salt is linked to many medical problems, but a surplus of salt may be unjustly maligned as a factor in cardiovascular problems. This goes against years of medical advice but an article in the New York Times says that there isn’t enough weight behind the arguments. It must be noted that the doctor who penned the article, Aaron Carroll, sited solid research but also authored the book The Bad Food Bible: How and Why to Eat Sinfully. While that does not invalidate his arguments, it certainly means he has skin in the game.

An older study, from 2015, found that “Patients with moderate heart failure who stuck to a low-sodium diet were 85 percent more likely to die or require hospitalization for heart disease, when compared to similarly ill patients who didn't restrict their salt intake.” While we might hear that we should reduce salt for our hearts research isn’t conclusive. In fact, researchers have seen that, “the relationship between sodium intake and cardiovascular disease follows a J-shaped curve whereby both a low and high sodium intake could involve an increased risk.”

It seems that fiber may hold a more significant role than once thought in heart health. If you are concerned about heart disease, read up on the topic with help from reliable sources. Then speak to your doctor who can give the best advice for your personal risks.

March 04, 2019

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